John' o Groats - Durness(90 Miles)

Tour/Activity , United Kingdom

Your Travel Experience with Spirit Journeys Worldwide

After a restful night's stay at John o' Groats, we eagerly set out on our journey towards Durness, ready to explore the wonders awaiting us along the North Coast. Our first stop leads us to the iconic Dunnet Head, the northernmost point of Britain, where we stand in awe of the rugged coastline and the vast expanse of the North Sea. Continuing our drive, we venture to Brims Castle, where the ruins of this ancient fortress stand sentinel on the shores of Brims Ness, whispering tales of bygone eras. As we travel further, we find ourselves at Sandside Beach, a tranquil stretch of sand kissed by the gentle waves of the ocean, inviting us to pause and immerse ourselves in its serene beauty. Our journey then takes us to the Betty Hill viewpoint, offering sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape, a perfect spot to appreciate the majesty of the Highlands. Delving into the rich history of the region, we visit the Strathnaver Museum, where artifacts and exhibits tell the stories of generations past, providing insights into the heritage of the Scottish Highlands. Continuing onwards, we discover the Ard Neackie Lime Kilns, remnants of an industrial past, standing as silent witnesses to the labor and ingenuity of those who once toiled here. Nearby, we encounter the Laid Wheelhouse, an ancient archaeological site offering glimpses into prehistoric life in the Highlands. As the day draws to a close, we make our way to the magnificent Smoo Cave, a dramatic sea cavern carved by the relentless forces of nature, where we stand in awe of its grandeur and beauty. Finally, with hearts full of wonder and memories of a day well spent, we descend upon Lairg for our overnight stay, ready to rest and rejuvenate before continuing our adventure through the enchanting landscapes of the Scottish Highlands.(Any entrances are paid locally)